For many authors writing is a rewarding and creative process, but it can also be an isolating one. It’s inevitable to hit a wall or need a new outlet that allows you to bounce ideas off of someone. Bookchic can extend a hand and an encouraging voice to coach authors through the writing and publishing processes. From manuscript evaluation and brainstorming title ideas to breaking writers block and creating a new game plan for your work, Michele Matrisciani has been an author advocate and coach as much as an editor when she championed books at major publishing houses. She will champion you, too, and coach you to be the writer you always knew you were.
Further, Bookchic can help writers:
- Find the right editors, publishers, and agents for their work
- Get inside the heads of literary agents and acquisition editors
- Identify the current trends in the marketplace
- Understand and negotiate publication contracts
- Write a sellable book proposal
- Master the query letter
- Uniquely position and market books against the competition